miercuri, 17 februarie 2010

anulare lectie tango joi, 18 febr si workshop BamGoTango 20-21 febr


Va anuntam ca lectia de tango de joi, 18 febr si workshopul BamGoTango ce urma sa aibe loc in acest weekend -20/21 febr- in Studio Experimental, cu Marcela si Mario se anuleaza.

Ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele incoveniente.

Pe curand,
Miha si Jose

Studio Experimental

marți, 2 februarie 2010

Men Only: Tango Escencia, with Mario Ferraro, Saturday/ 6th Febr

Aloha, prieteni!

In acest weekend, sambata, 6 februarie, va propunem a man to man perspective, o incursiune catre radacinile tangoului: Men Only: Tango Escencia, un workshop deosebit, cu Mario.

Probabil este primul workshop de acest gen din Romania, prin faptul ca desi este doar pentru barbati, nu este unul clasic de tehnica pentru barbati ci...este cu totul altceva:
- originile dansului
- "personajele" din tango
- Epoca de Aur a tangoului (folosirea versurilor), tangoul in Europa, tangoul astazi
- atitudinea barbatului leader in tango
- ascultarea versurilor din muzica de tango si (ex)punerea lor in dans
- dans bazat pe interpretarea muzicii; cum se interpreteaza muzica de tango
- dans, studiu doar intre barbati
- cum gasesti strategia prin care sa ai o "conversatie" foarte placuta si autentica timp de 3 minute...cat tine un tango, un dans al carui leader esti tu: "When you dance, you have a three minutes conversation" (o conversatie prin dans, nu verbala!:)
- cum dansezi ascultand, simtind si exprimand muzica si nu gandind in pasi/ structuri
- dezvoltarea unui dans bazat pe istoria tangoului, pe muzica si interpretarea ei
...& alte surpize :)

Nu este un seminar teoretic ci unul experiential, ce va imbina "teoria" cu (accentul pus pe) practica.
!Seminarul este doar pentru barbati, accesul femeilor care sunt si leader in tango este stric interzis!

15.00-20.00: 4 ore seminarii+ 1 ora practica (doar pentru participanti)
*la practica, participantii invita o tanguera cu care vor sa puna in practica tot ceea ce se va experimenta la seminarii; pentru femei, practica este gratuita*

Cost: 250 Ron

Inscrieri: baminro@gamil.com; 0728 775 498

marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

Workshop Body Awareness for Tango Dancers, with Marcela & Mario, 30-31 January '10

          …to study and understand how our body works most efficiently in the dance…

What is Body Awareness?
BAM (Body Awareness Method) is a body corporal organization by the use of the body-image in terms of the space. 
BAM sees the body like a connection net. When some connection is missing, the body loses the natural organization and this method helps you find an efficient way to connect it again. 
The time it takes for the body to become aware depends on the expectations and limitations of each dancer, which will be assessed individually.

Teaching your body the mechanisms of the movement
 Normally, we learn to dance by copying the instructor, whose movements we try to re-create with our own bodies. The learning process, however, can be made more efficient as the individual becomes aware of his body, its limitations and how to tackle them.

This workshop will focus on:

Become aware of your limitations: This is the first step towards “waking” the body, as well as providing a blueprint for the change your body will undergo.

“Un-block” your body: Your body’s range of motion may be limited due to blockages. The first step to freeing up the affected body parts is awareness of the problem; the second step is learning how to mobilize these parts; and the third is to integrate them into the rest of the body. Exercises: Release, Articulate, Dissociate

Organize your body: Essential to “awakening” the body is learning proper alignment, a pre-requisite for organic movement. Exercises: mechanisms of movement, neurological and physical connections between parts of the body, body alignment, integration, information flow throughout the body

Manage your Energy: Essential to improving quality of movement, on-stage presence and stamina, among other things. The following exercises are designed to meet this specific need.

*Eutony to use the appropriate amount of muscle tension required by each movement
*Release tension exercises to effectively flow between these two complementary states.
*Spatial organization exercises to use the space around as the extension of your own body.

Build your confidence: Training will focus on communicating, integrating and listening to the other, with the aim of achieving greater harmony when dancing together with a partner. Exercises: Centering, Responsiveness, etc.

Workshop schedule:

Saturday, 30th January

S1-15.00- 17.00:
-          Blocked and Unblocked Body
-          Spine

On “blocked and unblocked body” we work on:
how to have an efficient and free dance
Body Awareness Method (BAM©):
-          detect blocked parts in the body
-          understand the difference between unblock and relax
-          recognize the different muscle tones (high, middle and low)
• Tango:
- recognizing moving habits that limit us in different Tango sequences
- discerning between different types of limits: tango technique, body habits

On "Spine" we work on:
How to increase the range of mobility of the torsions

Body Awareness Method (BAM©): 
- Organizing the spine
- Increasing the range of mobility
- Understanding the relation spine- posture

• Tango:
- torsions, dissociations and the difference between them

S2- 17.15- 19.15:
-          Lower body system: the feet

• connection to the floor and efficient weight changes
Body Awareness Method (BAM©):
- finding projection of the gravity center when walking
- understanding the relation between center and feet
• Tango:
-          weight changes by transfer and by rotation

Sunday, 31st January

S3-15.00- 17.00:
-          Upper body system (shoulder, shoulder blade, arms)

• having a free, available embrace
• changes of embrace
Body Awareness Method (BAM©):
- unblocking the joints between shoulder and arm
- creating space between the bones
- finding the accurate tone of muscles
• Tango:
-          dynamic of the embrace
-          combination of fixed and movable embrace
-          possible levels of the embrace

S4- 17.15- 19.15:
-          Lower body system (legs)
-          Communication

On “Lower body system” we work on:
• learning how to release the legs
Body Awareness Method (BAM©):
-          how to free the articulation of legs and hip
-          understanding the relation “basic leg-free leg”
-          unblocking the hip
• Tango:
-          working movements focusing on basic leg- free leg: barridas, boleos, ganchos

On “Communication” we work on:
• tools to improve the connection with your partner
Body Awareness Method (BAM©):
-          understanding how you can give and receive information
-          learning to use the necessary energy
-          being proactive
• Tango:
-          improvisation tools
-          sequences and musicality

Useful information and registration info:
-          Each seminar has 2 phases: Body Awareness phase and Tango phase
-          The length of one seminar is 2 hours
-          The workshop is for ALL LEVELS
-          One day minimum participation is mandatory- teachers consider that participating just in one seminar is not efficient
-          You can register alone or in couple
-          Location: Studio Experimental, Hrisovului 2A (Pajura)

-          Full Pass Event: 260 Ron/ pers
-          One Day Pass: 140 Ron/ pers.

To register send your options by e-mail to baminro@gmail.com. Registration becomes valid after your payment. Payment can be done both cash or by bank transfer. Please mention the payment modality in your e-mail. You will receive by e-mail details for transfer by bank – if necesarry and a written confirmation after your payment.
• For other details or more info: 0040 728 775 498 (Kiran Mihaela)

• No filming or photography is allowed at workshop.
• Entrance at workshop is restricted to registered attendants.

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

Body Awareness & Tango cu Marcela & Mario- program lectii grup@ Studio Experimental

Dancing Tango…Know Yourself
***optimize the quality of your dance***

*Lectiile se desfasoara intre orele 19.00-20.30*
*All levels*
*Locatie: Studio Experimental, Hrisovului 2A*

These classes consists in working from:
- The organization of your body;
- The partner's organization;
- The organization with the music.

...according to: embrace, walk, tango elements- boleo, barrida, sacada, etc. 

1. Monday, 18 January:
Vals (Cross and Parallel)
- Walking
- Turns

2. Tuesday, 19 January: 
Milonga (Continuity and Traspie)
- Rhythmic
- Ochos

3. Thursday, 21 January: 
Tango (Tradicional and Modern)
- Colgadas
- Volcadas

4. Monday, 1st February: 
Vals (Cross and Parallel)
- Rhythmic
- Shared turns

5. Tuesday, 2nd February: 
Milonga (Continuity- Traspie)
- Turns
- “Runnings”

6. Wednesday, 3rd February: 
Tango (Tradicional and Modern)
- Fraseo
- Dynamics

7. Tuesday, 9 February: 
Vals (Cross and Parallel)
- Rebotes
- General summary

8. Thursday, 11 February: 
Milonga (Continuous and Traspie)
- Traspie
- General summary

9. Tuesday, 16 February: 
Tango (Tradicional and Modern)
- Improvisation thematics
- General summary

10. Thursday, 18 February: 
Closing thematics
- Surprises
- “Community dinner”

Cost lectie: 35 Ron

5 classes Pass: 150 Ron
• All classes Pass: 250 Ron

Info &registration: 0728. 775 498 (Kiran Mihaela), baminro@gmail.com

*For private classes with Mario & Marcela, please contact us in time by e-mail!